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It is easy during a crisis to spend all of your time bemoaning what you want to be different. For example, my mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer – her 5th time with a cancer diagnosis and she’s been on chemo treatment the entire time. I didn’t know until just as Covid-19 was making it’s appearance and it was decided it was best I didn’t visit for fear that I might be a carrier of coronavirus or something else. It would be easy at this point to spend my time regretting all the time I’ve missed together since I live 3000 miles away and to be quite honest, sometimes I do, but it does me no good.
Oregon & Beyond.
I was a victim, then a survivor, now I choose to thrive!
It is easy during a crisis to spend all of your time bemoaning what you want to be different. For example, my mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer – her 5th time with a cancer diagnosis and she’s been on chemo treatment the entire time. I didn’t know until just as Covid-19 was making it’s appearance and it was decided it was best I didn’t visit for fear that I might be a carrier of coronavirus or something else. It would be easy at this point to spend my time regretting all the time I’ve missed together since I live 3000 miles away and to be quite honest, sometimes I do, but it does me no good.
There’s an idea that people buy into called “sunk costs”. It’s the belief that you’ve already invested so much time, energy, or money, you should continue to do so. For example, you might hate your career but say to yourself, “I’ve already been in this field for two years.”
The cornerstone of the IDGAF mindset is to make decisions without apologies or explanations. Think about it—you’ve probably found yourself stuck in a situation you were trying to avoid after giving someone a valid explanation.
When you’re making an important life decision, it’s natural to feel a bit confused or overwhelmed. You may bring in others in the hopes that they’ll guide you into making the best decision. Often, this is driven by a need for approval and a lack of confidence in yourself.
But everything you already need to make the right decision—the best decision for you—is within yourself. You know what you need. You know what option falls in line with your values. You know what will ultimately make you happiest.