
May 14, 2020

I Fainted Again!


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Laura Lee, 53, with invisible wounds and scars. I've learned to embrace PTSD and depression because if I don't own them, they'll own me.  I don't want to simply survive, but to thrive.  I hope you'll join me on my journey.  It's sure to be a bumpy road.


Personal Development




“Just hurry!” I told him.

He rushed in the door and saw me sitting at the edge of the living room floor in a puddle of blood.  He ran to me and asked me what happened.

“I fainted again.”


The morning started out just like any other morning.  Scott got up at 5:00 AM for work and I sleepily rolled over and told him it was ok to turn on the bedroom light – he usually turns on the closet light, so he doesn’t wake me.

When he was ready to leave, he kissed me goodbye, leaving the light on so I would hopefully stay awake.  My mental health – particularly, my depression had set in just a month earlier and we were both doing everything we knew how to do to pull me out of it.  He made sure I was staying compliant with my medication, kept my therapy and med management appointments.  I was meditating, praying, using lavender essential oil, coloring, using my CALM app.  Taking naps.  Lots of naps.

This morning was no different.  It didn’t feel different.  That doesn’t mean it was good.  It just means it wasn’t any different.

I got up.  Ate breakfast.  Moved to the couch.  Turned on TV.  Drank my water.  That’s one thing I didn’t lose through the depression.  I still drank lots of water.

I stood up and walked down the tile hallway to use the bathroom.  The very next thing I remember is that I was lying on the floor. No memory of how I got there.  I tried to stand up.  The next thing I remember is lying on the floor again.  No memory of how I got there.  Four times that happened.


I was finally able to pull myself up to my feet and steadily walk back to the living room where I plopped myself onto the couch.  I sat there dazed for several minutes.  Contemplating what had just happened.  What do I do next?  I decided it was best that I call Scott.

He works on the road.  Sometimes he’s in town.  Sometimes he’s in the next town.  Sometimes he’s hours away.  Luckily, he was at the office – less than 5 minutes away.  He said he’d be right home.

I had a history of orthostatic hypotension, and have had problems before, but the medication my providers thought was causing it – Prazosin, was reduced from 10mg to 5mg, and eventually to the 1mg that I was currently taking.  So, why was I fainting?

I drink a lot of water.  I mean a lot.  I had to use the bathroom.  I had to pee.  I hung up the phone, got up, and walked down the hallway again to the guest bathroom.  The next thing I remember is Autumn licking me.   She’s what brought me back to consciousness.  I told her I was ok.  Then, she put herself in an “across” and I was able to use her to brace myself – something she’s trained to do, and I brought myself to my knees.

By this time standing up was overrated.  I wasn’t going to risk fainting again and if I did faint at least I didn’t have as far to go to hit the floor.

I was wet.  Soaking wet, as I crawled to the living room.  I didn’t know where the wetness was coming from.  Then I got a glance at my hands and they were red – covered in blood, but I didn’t know where the blood was coming from.  Nothing hurt.  I think I was in shock.




My phone was on the couch.  I called Scott and asked him where he was.  He said that he had just pulled into the driveway and asked me what was wrong.  “Just hurry!”  I hung up the phone.

He rushed in and saw me covered in blood.

“What happened?”

“I fainted again.”

“In the five minutes it took me to get home?”

He quickly looked me over and dialed his phone.  He called my primary care provider’s office and told the nurse that I fainted multiple times.  She told him if I had only fainted once that the doctor would see me but fainting so many times in such a short period of time was an emergency and he needed to take me to the ER or call 911.

I was still in my pajamas, so he brought me some loose clothing and helped me get dressed.  I told him I was ready to go.  He told me, “No, one more thing.”

And, he brought me a hot washcloth for my face.  I sat on the floor washing my face, realizing the blood was coming from my lip and how my lip was now starting to throb and sting.  The washcloth was covered in blood.  I couldn’t believe how much blood.  I washed my arms and my hands.  Scott got Autumn dressed and ready to go.  He would clean up the blood on the floor when we got home.

The hospital is a hop, skip, and a jump, away.  We were there in minutes.  Scott found a wheelchair to put me in and pushed me up to the registration desk.  We told the lady at the desk that I fainted multiple times within a 30-minute period, but I didn’t know how long I’d been unconscious each time.  She put a bracelet on me, and nurse came out to get me right away.  There was no waiting period.  None.

I was given fluids.  I had a CT scan.  It came back normal.  I had an EKG. It came back normal.   I had 4 stitches in my lower lip (inside and outside) because I bit a hole right through it, but the doctor had to flush out pieces of tooth first, because I had chipped the two front teeth and pieces were lodged in my lip.  And, those two teeth were loose.

Then, I called the dentist and made an emergency appointment about my teeth.  I still have to get the chipped teeth fixed, but I was mostly concerned with whether they were going to fall out due to the trauma.





Scott didn’t leave me alone for two days.  And, I was afraid to drive.  Afraid that I’d faint while behind the wheel.  A month went by and I didn’t faint again.

Then, one Friday evening I got up, and walked into the kitchen.  I remember getting some pretzels, but I was having a hard time grasping them.  They kept falling out of my hands.  That’s what clued Scott that something was wrong – the pretzels falling on the floor.

The next thing I remember is he was stroking my hair…talking to me softly.

I was unhurt this time. And, my PCP is opened on Saturdays, so we decided to wait until morning to call.  He saw me first thing in the morning.  He ordered an ultrasound of my carotid arteries.  And, a 30-day event monitor.  The ultrasound came back normal.  So did the event monitor.

Since blocked carotids and abnormal heart rhythm are ruled out – orthostatic hypotension is once again the working diagnosis.  What no one understands, the doctors included, is why, on 10mg of Prazosin I felt lightheaded and fatigued, but never fainted, but on 1mg I started having fainting episodes.  Because of this, I still need an EEG to check for seizures.

I thank God for an amazing and attentive husband and although Autumn did not become my service dog, she did her job that day and for that I’m grateful.


Interestingly, I haven’t fainted again, but I know it could happen at any time without any notice.  I have Venus now as my service dog, and I know she’ll do her job if I do faint.  In fact, we’re researching specialized phones that will allow her to call 911 and alert a dispatcher if I become unresponsive for 30 seconds.  The dispatcher will know that a service dog is on the other end.  And then, Venus will open the door for paramedics.  It means we need to make changes to the house – a new door for example, but since my fainting spells are cause for concern and we never know when they’ll happen we may have her tested to see if she can also detect my low blood pressure and train her to alert me, too.








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  1. Genesis Ron says:

    Good to know that works too! It was perfect the first time. I learn so much from you as well! Wow great post.

  2. […] When I came to it was because Autumn was licking my face.  Then, she put herself in the brace position so I could get myself up.  Although, I only got up to my knees because I had already fainted multiple times.  And, if I was only on my knees, and fainted again, I wouldn’t have far to fall.  She was a good dog, but this is the first time we seemed to bond.  Over the bloody mess that was my face. […]

  3. Oh my word. So scary! I’m happy that you’re getting good care and are considering what else you need to do to stay healthy and safe.

  4. Debbie says:

    How scary. I hope they find the cause and resolution for your fainting. Very interesting what a service dog can be trained to do.

  5. Lisa Manderino says:

    That is not fun at all! Service dogs are amazing, I’m glad you have good one that can help you!

  6. Megan says:

    That is so scary, and for it to happen multiple times so quickly! I’m glad your hubby was able to get to you quickly. Keep your head up, and thanks for sharing a vulnerable part of your story.

  7. Wow, what a scary incident! Thank goodness your husband and Autumn were there for you. Autumn will make a great service dog!

  8. Jordan says:

    Wow what a scary experience! I’m glad you’re ok though, and that’s so interesting that service dogs can now dial 911. What a smart thing to teach them.

  9. Tiffany Smith says:

    I am so glad there are ways that a service dog can call for help if you need it! Glad you are ok!

  10. Denise says:

    I’m glad to find that you’re all right and hope you get the answers you need to about this. I know not knowing about something is so much harder for each and every day. Keep safe and glad you have your dog Autumn there with you. Good luck and sending prayers your way to a solution đź’ś

  11. Kristin says:

    Beautifully written and poignant post. I cannot imagine how living that way must feel. And I am so amazed at what service dogs can do–wow. I can imagine the little bit of peace that brings.

  12. Chelsea says:

    Wow how terrifying. I’m glad you had support close by and I hope you’re still on the mend!

  13. Alyssa says:

    Oh my that’s scary! I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this!

  14. Kristina says:

    Very scary! Glad you have your husband and support dog to help you through this!

  15. Jill DeMasi says:

    So sorry that’s happening to you. I have had fainting spells in the past due to low blood pressure. Hope you get well soon!

  16. Suz says:

    I’m so sorry that you are having to deal with all that – what terrible experiences. Good for you for figuring it all out! For a dog to call 911 – incredible.

  17. Tiffany says:

    How scary! You sound like you have lots of support ❤️

  18. Barbara says:

    That sounds very scary to endure. Glad that you have support around you!

  19. Marianne says:

    Very scary when you don’t have a cause or a way to prevent further occurrences.

  20. Cindy Mailhot says:

    Service dogs are amazing! I am glad you had one to help.

  21. Cindy Moore says:

    Goodness hope you get this all sorted out soon! Stay well and safe.

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Laura Lee, 52, with invisible wounds and scars.  I've learned to embrace PTSD and depression because if I don't own them, they'll own me.  I don't want to simply survive, but to thrive.  I hope you'll join me on my journey.  It's sure to be a bumpy road.



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